span and
is a lattice proposition
is Noetherian corollary
is integrally closed proposition
is Dedekind proposition
divides product of primes lemma
-adic valuation
-adic distance
-distance is metric proposition
-adic numbers
-adic field
are totally disconnected lemma
and base extension corollary
totally disconnected proposition
is a PID proposition
is a ring proposition
has finite measure corollary
- abelian groups
- structure theorem
- adele ring
- adic-expansion lemma
- algebraic integer
- Algebraic number theory
- almost all
- any two norms equivalent lemma
- archimedean
- Artin
- ascending chain condition
- base extension of adeles lemma
- Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
- Blichfeld lemma
- Blichfeldt's lemma
- Cauchy sequence
- characterization of discrete lemma
- characterization of integrality proposition
- characterization of Noetherian proposition
- chinese remainder theorem
- class group
- class group generated by bounded primes lemma
- cokernel
- compact quotient of adeles theorem
- compact quotient of ideles theorem
- compact subset of adeles corollary
- compactness of ring of integers theorem
- complete
- complete embedding theorem
- complete local field locally compact corollary
- complete|nn
- completion
- completion, norms, and traces corollary
- complex
-dimensional representation
- conjugation of Frobenius proposition
- connected
- connected|nn
- content
- content map is continuous lemma
- convex
- Corollary
is Noetherian
and base extension
has finite measure
- compact subset of adeles
- complete local field locally compact
- completion, norms, and traces
- discrimant of number field
- extension of complete field is complete
- factorization
of fractoinal ideals
- group as quotient of free
- norm, trace compatible with towers
- norms, traces, and completions
- order of inertia group
- tensor products and characteristic polynomials
- topology on adeles
- valuation stays non-archimedean
- value set stays same
- cyclotomic
- decomposition group
- decomposition groups are conjugate lemma
- Dedekind domain
- dimension of embedding of field proposition
- Dirichlet unit theorem
- disconnected
- discrete
- discrete subgroup of
- discrimant of number field
- discriminant
- discriminant of order proposition
- divides
- elliptic curve
- equivalent
- equivalent non-archimedean valuations and
's lemma
- equivalent valuations, same topology lemma
- essential discriminant
- Euler
- exactness and Noetherian lemma
- extends
- extension of complete field is complete corollary
- extension of normalized valuation lemma
- factorization
of fractoinal ideals corollary
- factorization of
- Faltings theorem
- Fermat's last theorem
- field of fractions
- finitely generated
- finiteness of class group theorem
- finiteness of function field class group theorem
- fixed field characterization proposition
- fractional ideal
- fractional ideal is lattice lemma
- fractional ideals and formal sums of valuations lemma
- fractional ideals theorem
- Frobenius element
- Galois
- Galois conjugates
- Gelfand-Tornheim theorem
- global field
- group as quotient of free
groups corollary
- group of units
- Haar measure
- Haar measure on compact lemma
- Haar measure on
- Hasse
- Hasse-Minkowski theorem
- Hensel's lemma
- Hilbert Basis theorem
- homomorphism
- hyperplane embedding lemma
- icosahedral
- ideals generated by two elements proposition
- idele group
- ideles are a restricted product lemma
- inertia group
- inertia group characterization proposition
- inertia subgroup
- integral ideal
- integral ideals of bounded norm lemma
- integrally closed in its field of
- lattice index
- lattices and volumes lemma
- Lemma
span and
divides product of primes
are totally disconnected
- adic-expansion
- any two norms equivalent
- base extension of adeles
- Blichfeld
- characterization of discrete
- class group generated by bounded primes
- content map is continuous
- decomposition groups are conjugate
- equivalent non-archimedean valuations and
- equivalent valuations, same topology
- exactness and Noetherian
- extension of normalized valuation
- factorization of
- fractional ideal is lattice
- fractional ideals and formal sums of valuations
- Haar measure on compact
- Haar measure on
- hyperplane embedding
- ideles are a restricted product
- integral ideals of bounded norm
- lattices and volumes
- local compactness of restricted product
- matching integers
- minimal polynomial of algebraic integer
- non-archimedean valuation characterization
- open ball is closed
- principal ideles are discrete
- reduction homomorphism
- restricted product
- structure of tensor product of fields
- subset topology on
- surjection and Noetherian
- topological field
- trace pairing nondegenerate
- valuations on
- valuations such that
- volume of rings of integers
- lies over
- local compactness of restricted product lemma
- local-to-global principal
- locally compact
- matching integers lemma
- metric
- minimal polynomial
- minimal polynomial of algebraic integer lemma
- Minkowski
- multiplicativity of ideal norm proposition
- N@
- numbers
- N@
- totally disconnected
- nilpotent
- Noetherian
- Noetherian equals finitely generated proposition
- non-archimedean
- non-archimedean valuation characterization lemma
- nontrivial solution
- norm
- norm and trace proposition
- norm, trace compatible with towers corollary
- normalized
- norms, traces, and completions corollary
- number field
- open ball is closed lemma
- open balls
- open problem
- solvability of plane cubics
- order
- order of inertia group corollary
- Ostrowski theorem
- prime ideal factorization theorem
- principal
- principal ideles
- principal ideles are discrete lemma
- product formula theorem
- product measure
- product of extensions theorem
- properties of Haar measure theorem
- Proposition
is a lattice
is integrally closed
is Dedekind
-distance is metric
totally disconnected
is a PID
is a ring
- characterization of integrality
- characterization of Noetherian
- conjugation of Frobenius
- dimension of embedding of field
- discrete subgroup of
- discriminant of order
- fixed field characterization
- ideals generated by two elements
- inertia group characterization
- multiplicativity of ideal norm
- Noetherian equals finitely generated
- norm and trace
- same topology implies equivalent valuations
- Smith normal form
- structure of
- subgroup of free group
- triangle inequality
- unit norm characterization
- radical
- reduction homomorphism lemma
- reduction of Galois group theorem
- residue class degree
- restricted product lemma
- restricted topological
- ring of integers
- ring
- of
-adic numbers|nn
- Salem number
- same topology implies equivalent valuations proposition
- Selmer
- Selmer curve
- separable
- Shafarevich-Tate group
- short exact sequence
- Smith normal form
- Smith normal form proposition
- strong approximation theorem
- structure of abelian groups theorem
- structure of tensor product of fields lemma
- structure of
- structure theorem
- subgroup of free group proposition
- submodule
- subset topology on
- surjection and Noetherian lemma
- symmetric about
the origin
- tensor product topology
- tensor products and characteristic polynomials corollary
- Theorem
- chinese remainder
- compact quotient of adeles
- compact quotient of ideles
- compactness of ring of integers
- complete embedding
- Dirichlet unit
- Faltings
- finiteness of class group
- finiteness of function field class group
- fractional ideals
- Gelfand-Tornheim
- Hasse-Minkowski
- Hilbert Basis
- Ostrowski
- prime ideal factorization
- product formula
- product of extensions
- properties of Haar measure
- reduction of Galois group
- strong approximation
- structure of abelian groups
- transitive Galois action
- unique ideal factorization
- uniqueness of valuation extension
- valuation extensions
- valuations on
- weak approximation
- topological field
- topological field lemma
- topology on adeles corollary
- totally disconnected
- trace
- trace pairing
- trace pairing nondegenerate lemma
- transitive Galois action theorem
- triangle inequality proposition
- trivial valuation
- unique ideal factorization theorem
- uniqueness of valuation extension theorem
- unit norm characterization proposition
- valuation
- valuation extensions theorem
- valuation stays non-archimedean corollary
- valuation
- discrete
- equivalence of
- valuations on
- valuations on
- valuations such that
- value set stays same corollary
- volume
- volume of rings of integers lemma
- weak approximation theorem
William Stein