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Every Element is Visible Somewhere

Proposition 1.3   Every element of $ H^1(K,A)$ is visible in some abelian variety $ J$.

Proof. Fix $ c\in H^1(K,A)$. There is a finite separable extension $ L$ of $ K$ such that $ \res_L(c) = 0\in H^1(L,A)$. Let $ J=\Res_{L/K}(A_L)$ be the Weil restriction of scalars from $ L$ to $ K$ of the abelian variety $ A_L$ (see [BLR90, §7.6]). Thus $ J$ is an abelian variety over $ K$ of dimension $ [L:K]\cdot \dim(A)$, and for any scheme $ S$ over $ K$, we have a natural (functorial) group isomorphism $ A_L(S_L)\cong {}J(S)$. The functorial injection $ A(S) \hookrightarrow A_L(S_L) \cong {}J(S)$ corresponds via Yoneda's Lemma to a natural $ K$-group scheme map $ \iota: A\rightarrow J$, and by construction $ \iota$ is a monomorphism. But $ \iota$ is proper and thus is a closed immersion (see [Gro66, §8.11.5]). Using the Shapiro lemma one finds, after a tedious computation, that there is a canonical isomorphism $ H^1(K,J)\cong H^1(L,A)$ which identifies $ \iota_*(c)$ with $ \res_L(c)=0$. $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 1.4  
  1. In [CM00], de Jong gave a totally different proof of the above proposition in the case when $ A$ is an elliptic curve over a number field. His argument actually displays $ A$ as visible inside the Jacobian of a curve.
  2. L. Clozel has remarked that the method of proof above is a standard technique in the theory of algebraic groups.

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William A Stein 2002-02-27