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If a genus 0 curve $ X$ over  $ \mathbf{Q}$ has a point in every local field $ \mathbf{Q}_p$ and in $ \mathbf{R}$, then it has a global point over  $ \mathbf{Q}$. For genus $ 1$ curves, this ``local-to-global principle'' frequently fails. For example, the nonsingular projective curve defined by the equation $ 3x^3+4y^3+5z^3=0$ has a point over each local field and $ \mathbf{R}$, but has no $ \mathbf{Q}$-point. The Shafarevich-Tate group of an elliptic curve $ E$, denoted $ {\mbox{{\fontencoding{OT2}\fontfamily{wncyr}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont Sh}}}(E)$, is a group that measures the extent to which a local-to-global principle fails for the genus one curves with Jacobian $ E$. More generally, if $ A$ is an abelian variety over a number field $ K$, then the elements of the Shafarevich-Tate group $ {\mbox{{\fontencoding{OT2}\fontfamily{wncyr}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont Sh}}}(A)$ of $ A$ correspond to the torsors for $ A$ that have a point everywhere locally, but not globally. In this paper, we study a geometric way of realizing (or ``visualizing'') torsors corresponding to elements of  $ {\mbox{{\fontencoding{OT2}\fontfamily{wncyr}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont Sh}}}(A)$.

Let $ A$ be an abelian variety over a field $ K$. If $ \iota: A\hookrightarrow J$ is a closed immersion of abelian varieties, then the subgroup of $ H^1(K,A)$ visible in $ J$ (with respect to $ \iota$) is $ \ker(H^1(K,A)\rightarrow H^1(K,J))$. We prove that every element of $ H^1(K,A)$ is visible in some abelian variety, and give bounds on the smallest size of an abelian variety in which an element of $ H^1(K,A)$ is visible. Next assume that $ K$ is a number field. We give a construction of visible elements of $ {\mbox{{\fontencoding{OT2}\fontfamily{wncyr}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont Sh}}}(A)$, which we demonstrate by giving evidence for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for a certain $ 20$-dimensional abelian variety. We also give an example of an elliptic curve $ E$ over  $ \mathbf{Q}$ of conductor $ N$ whose Shafarevich-Tate group is not visible in $ J_0(N)$ but is visible in $ J_0(N p)$ for some prime $ p$.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 1 contains the definition of visibility for cohomology classes and elements of Shafarevich-Tate groups. Then in Section 1.3, we use a restriction of scalars construction to prove that every cohomology class is visible in some abelian variety. Next, in Section 2, we investigate the visibility dimension of cohomology classes. Section 3 contains a theorem that can be used to construct visible elements of Shafarevich-Tate groups. The final section, Section 4, contains examples and applications of our visibility results in the context of modular abelian varieties.

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We thank Barry Mazur for
his ge...
...Max Planck Institute
in Bonn, for their generous hospitality.

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William A Stein 2002-02-27