For a newform , consider the ring homomorphism that sends to . The kernel of this homomorphism is a saturated prime ideal of . The newform quotient associated to is the quotient . Shimura introduced in [Shi73] where he proved that is an abelian variety over of dimension equal to the degree of the field . He also observed that there is a natural map with kernel .
For the rest of this section, fix a quotient associated to a saturated ideal of ; note that may or may not be attached to a newform. The modular degree tex2html_wrap_inline$m_A$ of an optimal quotient tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ of tex2html_wrap_inline$J$ is the (positive) square root of the degree of the induced composite tex2html_wrap_inline$A^&or#vee; &rarr#to;J^&or#vee;&cong#cong;J &rarr#to;A$.