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A Conjecture About Nonvanishing of Twists

Fix $ E$ and suppose $ p$ is rigid for $ E$. For every $ \ell\equiv 1\pmod{p}$, fix

$\displaystyle \chi_{p,\ell} : (\mathbb{Z}/\ell\mathbb{Z})^* \rightarrow\!\!\!\!\rightarrow \boldsymbol{\mu}_p

of order $ p$ and conductor $ \ell$.

Conjecture 3.1 (-)   There exists a prime $ \ell\nmid N_E$ such that

$\displaystyle L(E,\chi_{p,\ell},1)\neq 0


$\displaystyle a_\ell(E)\not\equiv \ell+1\pmod{p}.

Evidence: The conjecture is true for every pair $ (E,p)$ I've tried, e.g., for all rigid $ p<50$ for the first $ 20$ rank $ 1$ optimal quotients of $ J_0(N)$ and the first two rank $ 2$ quotients.

The following ``Density Conjecture'' will not be needed for our application:

Conjecture 3.2 (-)   The set of primes $ \ell\equiv 1\pmod{p}$ such that $ L(E,\chi_{p,\ell},1)=0$ has Dirichlet density 0 amongst all primes.

William A Stein 2001-10-01