Galois groups of finite fields
acts in a well-defined
way on the finite field
, so we obtain
a homomorphism
We pause for a moment and derive a few basic properties of
which are in fact general properties of Galois groups for finite fields.
The group
contains the element
defined by
By Exercise 29 (see Chapter 22), the group
is cyclic, so there is an element
of order
, and
. Then
and only if
which is the case preciselywhen
, so the order of
. Since the order of the
automorphism group of a field extension is at most the degree of the
extension, we conclude that
is generated by
. Also,
has order equal to the degree, we conclude that
is Galois, with group
cyclic of order
generated by
. (Anther general fact: Up to isomorphism
there is exactly one finite field of each degree. Indeed, if there
were two of degree
, then both could be characterized as the set of
roots in the compositum of
, hence they would be equal.)
William Stein