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Biographical Information

Biographical Material

Texts by A. Grothendieck


Biographical information


Texts and links concerning Grothendieck's life, work and writings


Texts concerning Grothendieck's parents

  • Eine Frau   This 1500 page typed manuscript in German contains Hanka Grothendieck's memories of her life from 1900 to 1928, the year in which she conceived Alexander. The story is told in the third person. As far as fairly extensive research and conversations with friends, family members and other records (mostly conducted by W. Scharlau) have been able to confirm, the book appears to reflect the factual truth in every detail except for changing of the names of the family members: Lotte Babendeerde for Hanka Grothendieck, Redy Spenzer for Alfred Raddatz, Frigga (Ilka) for Frode (Maidi), Hans, Peter and Helmut for her brothers Fritz, Claus and Siegfried... Sascha Schapiro is called Sascha in the book.

  • La Clef des Songes   (see texts by Grothendieck). The third chapter  Le voyage à Memphis (1): l'errance  contains further details about the lives of Grothendieck's parents, including some things not described in Eine Frau

  • Eine Entdeckung: Hanka Grothendiecks autobiographischer Roman `Eine Frau' An essay in German on Eine Frau by Winfried Scharlau

  • Grothendieck's Dream of the Rising Sea  A play by Adrian Heathcote, inspired by Grothendieck and his parents' lives