Student Projects and Senior Theses I've Directed
- Math 581g (Modular Forms), Fall 2011, Final Projects
- Math 480 (Sage) during Spring 2011
- Kevin Stueve's writeup of his project on computing the primes up to X
- Math 583e -- computational number theory projects on integer factorization
- Chris Swierczewski's senior thesis (2008) on Connections Between the Riemann Hypothesis and the Sato-Tate Conjecture
- Emily Kirkman's senior thesis (2008) on Eisenstein Reciprocity
- Math 168 Final Projects (UC San Diego)
- The summer of arithmetic geometry experience
Andrei Jorza's senior thesis The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer
Conjecture for Abelian Varieties
over Number Fields [pdf]
- Daniellie Li's senior thesis Proving Mordell-Weil: A Descent in Three Parts
- Jayce Getz's senior thesis Classical and p-adic modular forms arising from the Borcherds exponents of other modular forms
[pdf dvi]
- Dimitar Jetchev's senior thesis Visibility of Shafarevich-Tate Groups
[pdf dvi
- Seth Kleinerman's senior thesis Torsion points on elliptic curves and modular abelian varieties
[pdf dvi
tex] (Note: This paper references Seth's
Junior Project [pdf dvi tex])
- Four Math 252 Final projects about abelian varieties by Seth Kleinerman, Jen Balakrishnan, Dimitar Jetchev, and Tseno Tselkov
- Math 129 Final Projects
- The Smallest Conductor of an Elliptic Curve of Rank Four is Composite,
by Jennifer Balakrishnan and Andrei Jorza. (Summer 2003 HCRP).
- Peter Hawthorne's Junior Paper on Bezout's Theorem (Also the latex file.)
- John Gregg's Senior Thesis On Factoring Integers and Evaluation of Discrete Logs
- Ariel Shwayder's Junior Project on "Visualizing L(E,s)"
- Chris Mihelich's senior thesis on partition functions and modular forms
- David Speyer's senior thesis on modular forms and modular symbols