Winter 2010
Math 582e: Galois Cohomology
Taught by
William Stein
on MWF at 12:30pm in Padelford C401.
Office Hours: 4:30-6:00pm on Tuesdays
Math 582e Wiki
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The main reference is Chapters 7-10 of Local Fields by J-P. Serre. See also:
Milne: Chapter 1 of
Arithmetic Duality Theorems, 2nd edition
, which is completely freely available as a PDF at the above link
or here
Tate: Galois Cohomology
Washington: Galois Cohomology
Cassels, Frohlich:
Algebraic Number Theory
, especially chapters 4 and 5
Lang, Tate: Principal Homogeneous Spaces over Abelian Varieties
Mazur: Notes on Etale cohomology of number fields
Serre: Galois Cohomology
Chapter 1 of
Galois Cohomology of Elliptic Curves
by Coates and Sujatha, which may be unattainable, in which case I have a copy in my office.
Chapter XX of Lang's Algebra
explicit computer computation
in some cases, see
this discussion from Simon King
Course enrollment