{# INPUT: - ``cell`` -- Cell instance - ``wrap`` - an integer stating column position to wrap lines. Defaults to configuration if not given. - ``div_wrap`` - a boolean stating whether to wrap ``div``. - ``do_print`` - a boolean stating whether the HTML is for print or not. #} {% if do_print %} {% set wrap_ = 68 %} {% set div_wrap_ = true %} {% else %} {% set wrap_ = wrap %} {% set div_wrap_ = div_wrap %} {% endif %} {% set cell_cls = "cell_evaluated" if cell.evaluated() or do_print else "cell_not_evaluated" %} {% if div_wrap_ %}
{% else %} {% set output_cls = 'cell_div_output_running' if cell.computing() else 'cell_div_output_' + cell.cell_output_type() %}
{% for i in range(7) %} {% endfor %} |
{% if cell.introspect() %}
{{ cell.output_text(0, html=true) }}
{% else %}
{{ cell.output_text(wrap_, html=true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if not do_print %}
{{ cell.output_text(0, html=true) }}
{% endif %}
{{ cell.output_html() }}