We define our elliptic curve, which has rank 1: {{{ E = EllipticCurve('37a') show(E) show(E.plot(hue=0.8, thickness=3)) ///
y^2 + y = x^3 - x
}}} We compute a list of the first 20 fundamental discriminants that satisfy the Heegner hypothesis. {{{ discs = E.heegner_discriminants_list(20); discs /// [-7, -11, -40, -47, -67, -71, -83, -84, -95, -104, -107, -115, -120, -123, -127, -132, -136, -139, -151, -152] }}}


Here is a nice table that gives each discriminant, the class number, the index of the Heegner point in $E(K)$, and the actual Heegner point (up to sign). The Heegner point is computed by cheating -- we compute the height of the Heegner point using the Gross-Zagier formula, and simply take the corresponding multiple of a known generator of $E$. {{{ P = E.gens()[0] print '' print '' for D in discs: ind = E.heegner_index(D) if ind > 0: ind = ind.sqrt().simplest_rational() y = ZZ(ind)*P else: ind = infinity y = E(0) hK = QuadraticField(D,'sqrtD').class_number() print ''%(D,hK,ind,y) print '
DiscriminantClass NumberIndexPoint
' ///
DiscriminantClass NumberIndexPoint
-711(0 : 0 : 1)
-1111(0 : 0 : 1)
-4022(1 : 0 : 1)
-4751(0 : 0 : 1)
-6716(6 : 14 : 1)
-7171(0 : 0 : 1)
-8331(0 : 0 : 1)
-8441(0 : 0 : 1)
-958+Infinity(0 : 1 : 0)
-1046+Infinity(0 : 1 : 0)
-1073+Infinity(0 : 1 : 0)
-11526(6 : 14 : 1)
-12042(1 : 0 : 1)
-12323(-1 : -1 : 1)
-12751(0 : 0 : 1)
-13243(-1 : -1 : 1)
-13644(2 : -3 : 1)
-1393+Infinity(0 : 1 : 0)
-15172(1 : 0 : 1)
-15262(1 : 0 : 1)

Now we directly compute the Heegner point for discriminant -7

{{{ K. = QuadraticField(-7); K /// Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 7 }}} {{{ D = K.discriminant(); D /// -7 }}} {{{ K.class_group() /// Trivial Abelian Group }}} {{{ N = 37 }}} We compute the square roots of D modulo $4N$. {{{ srs = Mod(D, 4*N).sqrt(all=True); srs /// [17, 57, 91, 131] }}} Then make a list of their reductions modulo $2N$: {{{ S = list(set([Mod(a, 2*N) for a in srs])); S /// [17, 57] }}} For fun we list all representative primitive binary quadratic forms of discriminant -7 -- we will not need this later. {{{ C = BinaryQF_reduced_representatives(-7); C /// [x^2 + xy + 2y^2 ] }}} The following is useful for making the computations more efficient; we will not use it yet. {{{ def minimal_form(f, N): """ Given a positive definite form f = (A,B,C) of discriminant D < 0 with N | A, this function returns a form f' = (A',B',C') equivalent to f with N | A' and B' = B (mod 2*N) with A' minimal. """ A,B,C = f u = ZZ(-B/(2*A/N)) v2 = ZZ( abs(D) / (2*A / N)^2 ) raise NotImplementedError }}} We make a list of the binary quadratic forms of discriminant $D$ that have first entry divisible by $N$. {{{ def fill_list(D, N, b): b = ZZ(b) R = ZZ((b^2 - D)/(4*N)) L = [] Lprime = [] for d in divisors(R): f = BinaryQF([d*N,b,R/d]) fr = f.reduced() if not fr in Lprime: Lprime.append(fr) L.append(f) return L }}} {{{ b = S[0]; print b L = fill_list(D, N, b); L /// 17 [37x^2 + 17xy + 2y^2 ] }}} {{{ def tau(f): A,B,C = f return (-B + sqrt(D))/(2*A) }}} {{{ v = [CDF(tau(f)) for f in L] v /// [-0.22972972973 + 0.0357533960955*I] }}} {{{ e = gp(E) }}} {{{ E2 = E.change_ring(CDF) }}} {{{ def phi(E, t, prec): """ Map a point t in the upper half plan to a point on the complex torus representation of the elliptic curve, using prec terms of the modular parametrization. """ q = CDF(exp(2*pi*I*t)) a = E.anlist(prec) return sum( (a[n]/n) * q^n for n in xrange(1,prec)) }}} {{{ phi(E, v[0], 100) /// 0.929592715295 - 1.22569469101*I }}} {{{ phi(E, v[0], 200) /// 0.929592715279 - 1.225694691*I }}} {{{ def topoint(E, z): """ Given a point in the complex lattice representation of E, return a point on the Weierstrass model of E. The curve E should be defined over a complex floating point field. """ e = gp(E) w = list(e.ellztopoint(z)) K = E.base_field() return E.point([K(repr(w[0])), K(repr(w[1])), K(1)], check=False) }}} {{{ topoint(E2, phi(E, v[0], 200)) /// (-6.3956744052e-12 - 6.60496957297e-12*I : 6.3956744052e-12 + 6.60496957289e-12*I : 1.0) }}}

Next we try discriminant -67

In this example, the class number is still 1, but the Gross-Zagier formula predicts an index of 6. {{{ D = -67 K.
= QuadraticField(D); K /// Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 67 }}} {{{ K.class_number() /// 1 }}} {{{ srs = Mod(D, 4*N).sqrt(all=True); srs /// [9, 65, 83, 139] }}} {{{ S = list(set([Mod(a, 2*N) for a in srs])); S /// [9, 65] }}} {{{ b = S[0]; print b L = fill_list(D, N, b); L /// 9 [37x^2 + 9xy + y^2 ] }}} {{{ v = [CDF(tau(f)) for f in L]; v /// [-0.121621621622 + 0.110612875296*I] }}} {{{ phi(E, v[0], 100) /// 0.409361000751 - 2.44021449129e-12*I }}} {{{ topoint(E2, phi(E, v[0], 100)) /// (6.00000000002 + 7.07662202477e-11*I : -15.0000000001 - 2.61102950569e-10*I : 1.0) }}} {{{ -topoint(E2, phi(E, v[0], 100)) /// (6.00000000002 + 7.07662202477e-11*I : 14.0000000001 + 2.61102950569e-10*I : 1) }}} {{{ b = S[1]; print b L = fill_list(D, N, b); L v = [CDF(tau(f)) for f in L]; v /// 65 [-0.878378378378 + 0.110612875296*I] }}} {{{ topoint(E2, phi(E, v[0], 100)) /// (6.00000000002 - 7.07662202477e-11*I : -15.0000000001 + 2.61102950569e-10*I : 1.0) }}} {{{ -topoint(E2, phi(E, v[0], 100)) /// (6.00000000002 - 7.07662202477e-11*I : 14.0000000001 - 2.61102950569e-10*I : 1) }}}

Next we consider discriminant -40, which has class number 2 and Heegner index 2

{{{ D = -40 K.
= QuadraticField(D); K /// Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 40 }}} {{{ K.class_number() /// 2 }}} {{{ srs = Mod(D, 4*N).sqrt(all=True); srs /// [16, 58, 90, 132] }}} {{{ S = list(set([Mod(a, 2*N) for a in srs])); S /// [16, 58] }}} We use the first $b$, as usual. Note that there are two representatives since the class group has order 2. {{{ b = S[0]; print b L = fill_list(D, N, b); L /// 16 [37x^2 + 16xy + 2y^2 , 74x^2 + 16xy + y^2 ] }}} These are the corresponding Heegner points in the upper half plane. {{{ v = [CDF(tau(f)) for f in L] v /// [-0.216216216216 + 0.0854669637883*I, -0.108108108108 + 0.0427334818942*I] }}} We compute their images in the complex torus representation of the elliptic curve. {{{ e = [phi(E, z, 100) for z in v] e /// [0.567136607832 - 0.572182654882*I, 0.567136607828 + 0.572182654884*I] }}} Their sum in the torus is a point that must map to the Heegner point $y_K$ on the Weierstrass equation, which is defined over $\mathbf{Q}$. {{{ w = e[0] + e[1] }}} This point is not exactly the point in the table above. In fact it is negative of that point. {{{ topoint(E2, w) /// (1.0 - 1.51800794158e-12*I : -1.0 + 3.03601588315e-12*I : 1.0) }}} {{{ -topoint(E2, w) /// (1.0 - 1.51800794158e-12*I : 2.33657537763e-12 - 3.03601588315e-12*I : 1) }}}

Hilbert Class Field

We could also find the image of $y_1 \in E(H)$ point on the Weierstrass equation, which is a point defined over the Hilber class field of $K$, which is a quadratic extension of the field $K$. {{{ y1 = topoint(E2, e[0]) }}} {{{ y1 /// (9.04203384991e-12 + 1.41421356237*I : 0.99999999999 - 1.41421356238*I : 1.0) }}} {{{ CDF(sqrt(2)) /// 1.41421356237 }}}

As you can see, the point $y_1$ is defined over $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{-2})$. We have ``magically'' constructed the Hilbert class field of $K$ -- it's $K(\sqrt{-2})$. {{{ }}}

Finally we consider discriminant -71, which has class number 7 and Heegner index 1

{{{ D = -71 K.
= QuadraticField(D); K /// Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 71 }}} {{{ K.class_number() /// 7 }}} {{{ srs = Mod(D, 4*N).sqrt(all=True); srs /// [15, 59, 89, 133] }}} {{{ S = list(set([Mod(a, 2*N) for a in srs])); S /// [59, 15] }}} We use the first $b$, as usual. Note that there are two representatives since the class group has order 2. {{{ b = S[0]; print b L = fill_list(D, N, b); L /// 59 [37x^2 + 59xy + 24y^2 , 74x^2 + 59xy + 12y^2 , 111x^2 + 59xy + 8y^2 , 148x^2 + 59xy + 6y^2 , 222x^2 + 59xy + 4y^2 , 444x^2 + 59xy + 2y^2 , 888x^2 + 59xy + y^2 ] }}} These are the corresponding Heegner points in the upper half plane. {{{ v = [CDF(tau(f)) for f in L]; v /// [-0.797297297297 + 0.113866888827*I, -0.398648648649 + 0.0569334444134*I, -0.265765765766 + 0.0379556296089*I, -0.199324324324 + 0.0284667222067*I, -0.132882882883 + 0.0189778148045*I, -0.0664414414414 + 0.00948890740223*I, -0.0332207207207 + 0.00474445370111*I] }}} We compute their images in the complex torus representation of the elliptic curve. {{{ e = [phi(E, z, 1000) for z in v]; e /// [0.436338629693 + 0.391421370491*I, -1.08506665883 - 0.563889008593*I, 0.302913505562 - 1.22569469099*I, 1.52920424182 - 0.558966284143*I, 1.52920424182 + 0.558966284147*I, -1.08506665882 + 0.563889008594*I, 0.436338629696 - 0.391421370488*I] }}} Their sum in the torus is a point that must map to the Heegner point $y_K$ on the Weierstrass equation, which is defined over $\mathbf{Q}$. {{{ w = sum(e); w /// 2.06386593094 - 1.22569469098*I }}} This point is not exactly the point in the table above. In fact it is negative of that point. {{{ topoint(E2, w) /// (6.56395542695e-12 - 1.33950304269e-11*I : -0.999999999993 - 1.33950304271e-11*I : 1.0) }}} {{{ -topoint(E2, w) /// (6.56395542695e-12 - 1.33950304269e-11*I : -6.56397158849e-12 + 1.33950304271e-11*I : 1) }}} {{{ y1 = topoint(E2, e[0]); y1 /// (0.326282033345 - 2.82634364479*I : 2.48918514468 + 4.09829358564*I : 1.0) }}} {{{ RR. = PolynomialRing(CDF) f = prod(x - topoint(E2, e[i])[0] for i in xrange(len(e))) f /// 1.0*x^7 + (-2.00000000003 - 9.62474544508e-12*I)*x^6 + (9.00000000011 - 1.00197627972e-10*I)*x^5 + (-10.0000000003 + 1.69921854365e-11*I)*x^4 + (-0.999999999939 + 1.66228364407e-10*I)*x^3 + (8.00000000023 - 1.35994326911e-10*I)*x^2 + (-5.0000000002 + 3.67623709252e-11*I)*x + 1.00000000005 - 2.89157586764e-12*I }}} {{{ SS. = PolynomialRing(QQ) f = x^7 - 2*x^6 + 9*x^5 - 10*x^4 -x^3 + 8*x^2 -5*x + 1 factor(f.discriminant()) /// -1 * 71^3 }}} {{{ }}}