BSD Plan for 2007-04-13 0. Talk about plan for rest of the course. 1. Quickly write defn of P_n on board again. 2. Write out proof that P_n(zeta_r - 1) = int chi_r dmu 3. Cor: w_n(T) = (1+T)^(p^n) - 1 divides P_{n+1}(T) - P_n(T). 4. Then do lemma 1.23 5. Deduce the bound (prop 1.24). 6. Talk about projects: a. Robert B -- 2-descent b. Dustin M -- ap lists c. Robert M -- congruence graph d. Koopa K -- what we just did; finiteness of Sha's e. Ralph G -- What if ord_p(Reg) > 0? New projects: a. Study computing L_p(E,T) mod p. b. Heegner points package in SAGE (they are coming up)