BSD Plan for 2007-04-09 1. Define L_p(E,T) for p odd good ordinary prime. Let alpha be the root of x^2-a_px+p with |alpha| = 1. (*) Recall definition: [r] = 2*pi*i/Omega_E * (...) (*) define a measure on Z_p^*: mu_E(a+p^n*Z_p) = 1/alpha^n*( [a/p^n] - [p*a/p^n]/alpha ) (*) L_p(E,T) in Q_p[[T]] is power series of function u |--> L_p(E,chi_u) about u = 1 in C_p. 2. Riemann sums (*) Riemann sums approximation: The n-th approximation to L_p is L_n(T) = sum(j=0,p^(n-1)-1, sum(a=1,p-1, mu(teich(a)*gamma^j + p^n*Z_p))*(1+T)^j) in Q_p[T] and lim_{n-->oo} L_n(T) = L_p(E,T). (*) Prove that limit exists and equals p-adic L-function at infinitely many points. Suppose zeta_j is a primitive p^j-th root of unity. Then P_n(zeta_j - 1) is the same for all n > j. Thus P_{n+1} - P_n vanishes at zeta_j - 1 for j < n, so P_{n+1} - P_n is divisible by omega_n(T) = (1+T)^{p^n} - 1. 3. Examples. -------------- 4. Student feedback: 1. What was clear? 2. What was murky? 3. What should I change to get a perfect evaluation from you?