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Homework 7: Class Groups and Elliptic Curves

William Stein

Date: Math 124 $ \quad$ HARVARD UNIVERSITY $ \quad$ Fall 2001

(10 points) For any negative discriminant $ D$, let $ C_D$ denote the finite abelian group of equivalence classes of primitive positive definite quadratic forms of discriminant $ D$. Use the PARI program from lecture 24 (download it from my web page) to compute representatives for $ C_D$ and determine the structure of $ C_D$ as a produce of cyclic groups for each of the following five values of $ D$:

$\displaystyle D=-155, -231, -660, -12104, -10015.

(6 points) Draw a beautiful graph of the set $ E(\mathbb{R})$ of real points on each of the following elliptic curves:
$ y^2 = x^3 - 1296x + 11664$,
$ y^2 + y = x^3 - x$,
$ y^2 + y = x^3 - x^2 - 10x - 20$.

(4 points) A rational solution to the equation $ y^2-x^3=-2$ is $ (3,5)$. Find a rational solution with $ x\neq 3$ by drawing the tangent line to $ (3,5)$ and computing the third point of intersection.

William A Stein 2001-11-11