Weierstrass Points on X0(p)+

William Stein

Oliver Atkin computed information about whether or not the cusp on X0(p)+ is a Weierstrass point, for p<=883. He conjectured that if p>389, then the cusp is a Weierstrass point ("his has valence 2v on GZ(q), of course, but v is usually very small, since GZ*(q) almost always has a Weierstrass point at infinity (I conjecture that this is so for q.gt.389.)") This web page contains a table that verifies his conjecture for all p<3000.

         maxval1: table sorted by level

         maxval2: table sorted by max valuation
         wp.m: MAGMA-readable table

For analogous computations on X0(N), see this page.

    Last Update: March 7, 2002.