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Up: Exploration of a mod pq
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Is every
As in Mazur's letter (Section 1.1),
consider f,g,p,q with f, g of level N, M, respectively.
Suppose that there is no form h at level NM such that
(congruence as in Section 1.2).
Our choice of p and q implies that there is h1 and h2
at level NM such that
Using the Cebotarev Density Theorem (see e.g., [Lan94, VIII.4])
and Ribet's level raising theorem [Rib90]
we see that there are infinitely many primes
for which
there exists newforms b1 and b2 at level
Does b1=b2 in one of these infinitely
many cases? More generally, begin with two newforms fand g both of some level N and consider the infinitely
many primes
such that there exists h1 and h2of level
Must there always be an
so that we can take h1=h2? If yes, then every mod pqrepresentation is modular; at least, if we admit the classical
Serre conjectures.
Answers to the above questions may be viewed as
a generalization of Ribet's level raising
machinery [Rib90].
The introduction of two primes at once obscures
the algebraic interpretation in terms of ideals of the
Hecke algebra; making it appear necessary to find new
For this reason, the author suspects that there are non-modular
mod pq representations.
Even if not all mod pq representations are modular,
the question remains of finding the minimal weight and level of
those which are.
Next: Serre mod pq table
Up: Exploration of a mod pq
Previous: N=11, M=23:
William A. Stein